Friday, September 26, 2008

Class of 2008

Times flies.... it has been 9 months since I started teaching the Wilton Method of Cake Decorating at ICCA. The past 9 months has been really hectic with work in the office picking up and having to teach on weekends, sometimes on both Saturdays and Sundays.

There are happy moments and also not so happy moments in teaching and yet I enjoyed each and every one of the class. Made a lot of new friends and also picked up some extra knowledge from my students. When my students come to class with genuine passion to learn, they are a happy bunch of people..... very informal, always cheerful and ever willing to share.

On the contrary, there are some who come because they are forced to (really don't know who forced them!!), you can see the difference in attitude. I had one "weird" student who came to class without bringing his tools and "homework". He refused to follow instructions and yet wonder why he couldn't achieved what the other students can. Found out that other instructors from his earlier classes had the same problem with him. Phew.... thank goodness it wasn't me that brought out the monster in him!!

Personally, I've benefitted a lot since learning the Wilton Method of Cake Decorating. Couldn't even frost a cake when I first started. I'm glad that I can do a lot more now. I noticed that some of my students also go through the same thing. There is this lady who had no idea of cake decorating when she first came for class. Now, she has started selling wedding cakes and is making lots of money!!

With the right technique and a little creativity and resourcefulness, my students have produced the above cakes. I'm REALLY proud of them.

I will be taking some time off from teaching this coming quarter. Will only be doing cupcakes for Christmas at ICCA. It's time for me to pick up some new skills, there is always something new in cake decorating. Just don't have enough time to master everything. If only I can make enough from selling cakes, it will be a different story altogether :)

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